Le Programme de Certification Duik

This page is available in English Avec le Programme de Certification Duik, nous délivrons deux labels de certification pour vous aider à trouver l’expert ou le formateur qui répondra à vos besoins, partout dans le monde. Ce programme est organisé en partenariat avec le centre de formation Carpe Media. Intéressé pour devenir un Expert Certifié […]

The Duik Certification Program

Cette page est disponible en français With the Duik Certification program, we deliver two certification labels to help you find the expert or the instructor who will fit your needs, everywhere in the world. This program is run in partnership with the training center Carpe Media. Interested in becoming a Duik Certified Expert or a […]

Duik Books Shop

Duik: the Source Code Book

This book contains the complete source code of Duik. It’s a manifesto for open source software. It’s a way to physically show how open source software is different from other software, to show and explain how important it is, how even this small free software may weigh to change the world. This is briefly explained in the preface by Duduf.

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