This is just a quick email to let you know that Duik Ángela Beta3 is available for you.
It includes all the fixes for the bugs found so far and a few minor improvements:
- Added a "Frequency" option to the Random Motion tool.
- Added the command line panel as a new tab to the main panel.
- Added missing optional panels to the release version.
- [ALT] + [Click] on a tab to launch it as a dockable stand-alone panel.
- Fixed the search field not updating on changing in library panels.
- Fixed the "Reset Defaults" button of the settings panel.
- Fixed bones appearance when using the Duplicate tool.
- Fixed error with the walk cycle using the Legacy expression engine.
Note that this is NOT the version which will be publicly released this wednesday, 15 June. It will be the Beta2 you've already been tested. This third Beta will be publicly released a bit later.
Thanks again for your support,