Test the new version of Duik!
RxLaboratory RxLaboratory
If we don't live as we think, we begin to think as we live.*

* Raoul Hedebouw

Hai teman-teman!

A new Duik is about to be released, and as members you can test it before everyone else!

Say welcome to Duik Ángela 17.1!

Download Duik Ángela 17.1 now!

This new version of Duik Ángela introduces important features to help color animation, which may be extended later into more features or tools in another dedicated tool set. The Swink with colors has been improved, you can now add Lists to color properties, and set colorspace options in the Interpolator to make sure you keep nice and bright colors when you animate them.

There was also an important work to add options to improve the performance (which is still and always will be an issue with After Effects...). You can now use Light Bones if you don't need fancy stuff like envelops and noodles; they're some kind of pre-baked bones, displayed just as small dots. If you like performance but you like having icons on your controllers and won't use null layers, you can now use Raster Controllers. They're controllers as small PNG files. Just these two options improve drastically the performance of the rigs, at the cost of minor loss like the ability to draw guides in the controllers.

And there's a bunch of other improvements to make your animator's life easier, like the option to add a root controller to the rigs, negative anticipation in the Kleaner if you'd like to animate some kind of hesitation or rusty wheel, new OCO options, etc.

We've also included new OCO meta rigs (yes, now you can rig scorpions and whales in a single click, or a nice Tyrannosaurus Rex), and updated the available translations (don't hesitate to come and help add more languages!).

And finally, of course, we've fixed a lot of bugs.

You can find the detailed list of changes here.

Download Duik

This new version of Duik will be publicly available in a couple of weeks, but members can already get their hands on it!


There will be a couple of new video tutorials to explain the new features about color animation, and share tips and tricks to improve performance in After Effects soon. These will be available to members in early access too, of course ;)

Thank you!

Most of these new features and fixes have been suggested by you.

On this matter, we've just implemented a new bug report/feature request system for all our tools, it's available at rxlaboratory.org/issues or by clicking on the bug button in Duik.

Thanks a lot for your feedback.

💜With love💜

the RxLab. Team

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