You can download the new Duik Angela right now.
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A quick message to let you know what's going on at RxLab!

Duik Ángela, Beta4 is available!

The 4th Beta version of Duik Ángela (17.0) is available in your RxLab private access! Thanks to your feedback, we've fixed more bugs and made other minor improvements to get everything ready for the final public release!

The documentation is also being written, and we've prepared the translation of Duik. Let us know if you can help to translate it! For now, we're already working on Spanish and French translations, it would be great if someone could do: German, Chinese, Portuguese, Italian too. And any other language! We're trying to add Esperanto also, but it'll come after Spanish and French ;)

Just come to our chat server and we'll explain how you can help.

Download it now!

Bluik (Duik for Blender) is evolving quickly! As you can see in the GIF above, we've rigged our first full character using it! We have other characters to rig, which will be used in a short movie produced in France by Les Films du Nord in partnership with Rainbox Productions. We're using these characters to improve Bluik and our 2D rigging workflow in Blender. We've already built an exporter for Krita to export the characters to be imported in Blender; you'll be able to use Photoshop too, of course. The very nice thing we've discovered recently is how easy it is to use multiple resolutions for the same character in blender: one can easily switch between different textures and change the resolution, according to the zoom/camera. And the performance has nothing to do with After Effects, as you can see... You'll soon have access to all these awesome tools too!

DuBlast for Blender

DuBlast, a tool to create nice playblasts in Blender, just got updated to v3, thanks to Kevin C. Burke a.k.a BlastFrame with a nice improved UI and shading options.

That's the beauty of Open Source projects where everyone can contribute!

Download it now!

Our panel to run sanity tests in After Effects has been improved a bit; note that it is already included in Duik ;)

Download it now!

💜With love💜

the RxLab. Team

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