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RxLaboratory RxLaboratory
Consume less, share better.



Some time ago, you've asked to subscribe to one of the RxLaboratory Newsletters, thank you for your interest.


But you neither confirmed your subscription nor unsubscribed; this is a last call for you to confirm your subscription before we delete your email address from our database.

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We hate spam too, don't worry, we won't send too many emails, and only interesting news!
Actually, to be honest, we don't even have time for that, we have better stuff to do than spamming you, like building free tools, sharing our techniques, and producing our films. This is what matters. And you can support us, because free tools without contributions would just not be possible at all.


We wish you a great last day for 2022,
and we promise we will continue to do our best in 2023 to not only innovate and share more knowledge, but to do it in a way which always contributes to improve, as much as we can, the world we all live in together.

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26, Rue des Comices, 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq
© 2022 RxLaboratory