DuBlast for Blender

DuBlast for Blender

Quick Playblast tool for Blender

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Current version:
one year ago


macOS | Windows | Linux

DuBlast for Blender

DuBlast is an add-on for Blender which makes it quick and easy to preview your animation with a fast viewport render, in a single click without wondering about any render or output setting.


Adds a new Animation Playblast to Blender which renders and automatically plays your animations.

Automatically burn useful metadata into the video

Include annotations in the video

Automatically save the video file next to the scene, in an animation-friendly, hand-crafted, fine-tuned light mp4 file optimized for frame-by-frame navigation, or any other format of your choice.

Use specific resolution and frame range for the playblast, without having to modify the scene settings.

Use specific shading settings for the playblast, without having to modify the current settings.

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