This script is a collection of tools for exporting and importing stuff in After Effects.
It is part of DuAEF, the Duduf After Effects Framework.
- Animations (in an open JSON format)
- Composition to Adobe Audition (keeping separate audio files)
- Keyframe Animations (from an open JSON format)
- OCA (Open Cel Animation)
- TVPaint clips (layers, blending modes, labels, exposure…)
- TVPaint cameras and their animation
- Krita animations (layers, blending modes, exposure…)
- Storyboarder storyboards (boards, shots, layers, notes, dialogs, sound…)
Note: The import and export animation tools are also available in Duik, in the tools panel.
In Development
DuIO is in active development and more formats will be added soon!
- Import new formats introduced by Duik characters from Photoshop, Illustrator, Krita, Inkscape, The Gimp
- Import and export rigged characters.
- Import scenes rendered/exported by Duik for Blender
- Improve the exportation of compositions to Audition
And any other format we might need or you may request!
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