Free: Duik Ángela: It’s All about Bones (en/fr)

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Free: Duik Ángela: It’s All about Bones (en/fr)

Duration: 28 mn


In this tutorial, we’ll take a comprehensive tour of the bones of Duik, which are the core of the rigging process. Creation, settings, envelops, noodles, you’ll learn everything about them!

1- Several ways and options to create bones

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Note: In most recent versions of Duik, you may see only the joints when creating bones, and not actual bones like in this video: that’s because in the bone settings, the type is set to Light Bones instead of Full Bones.

2- Predefined armatures for all kinds of limbs
3- Bone Settings

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4- Bone Envelops

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Note: In most recent versions of Duik, you may see only the joints when creating bones, without envelops like in this video: that’s because in the bone settings, the type is set to Light Bones instead of Full Bones.

5- Bone Noodles

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Note: In most recent versions of Duik, you may see only the joints when creating bones, without noodles like in this video: that’s because in the bone settings, the type is set to Light Bones instead of Full Bones.

6- A Complete Character with Noodles
7- Bone Tools

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8- OCO Metarigs

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9- Bone the Emu!


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