Showcase Videos


In 2020,  Bartosz Bąk joined the animation challenge organized by Markus Magnusson, Motion Design School and Aescripts. He rigged, and animated, using Duik, these characters designed by Markus Magnusson. ▹ More details on his Behance page here!

Schools and teaching

We’re always trying to provide a comprehensive documentation for our tools, and other documents, along with nice tutorials or quick tips. But when it’s possible, the best way to share techniques and experience is by just meeting each other. Teaching, meet-ups, talks, are of great importance for us, and we’re always happy to come and […]


Plus Vite !

Alors que le marcheur descend dans la vallée, par ce sentier dont il connait la moindre pierre, le moindre sapin, il découvre qu’un chantier coupe son chemin. Après l’autoroute, le tunnel routier, le tunnel ferroviaire, voici venu le tunnel à grande vitesse.

About RxLab.

Always create for the benefit of the people the instruments of their well-being, and you will have created the instruments of their power and emancipation. Jean-Baptiste André Godin RxLaboratory, also knwon as RxLab, is an organization dedicated to the development and promotion of free software. Commitments ► read more Who are we? First of all, […]

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