Duik Ángela: The API Source Code

Duik Ángela: The API Source Code
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Duik Ángela: The API Source Code

14.00  ( 11.67  ex. tax )

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This book contains the source code of the Duik API. It’s a manifesto for open source software. It’s a way to physically show how open source software is different from other software, to show and explain how important it is, how even this small free software may weigh to change the world. This is briefly explained in the preface by Duduf.

Ordering this book is also, mostly, an nice way to support our work for free software!

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Duik is a free and open source character rigging and animation tool set. It is released under a free license. That means it is free, of course, but it also means that its source code is publicly available, like important and well-known software such as the Firefox web browser, or the Linux operating system, or the less known but most important OpenSSL library which secures all communications over the internet…

This book contains the source code of the Duik API, accompanied by various short texts by the Free Software foundation, and Duduf, the developer of Duik, including an exclusive short story in French entitled L’Offre.

It’s a manifesto for free and open source software. It’s a way to physically show how open source software is different from other software, to show and explain how important it is, how even this small free software may weigh to change the world.

Maybe it’s also a work of art.

Maybe you can just use it to wedge some furniture.

No matter what you do with it, it’s still a very nice way to support our commitment to free software and a better and free world.

Editor’s note: This is an abridged version of Duik Ángela: The Complete Source Code, with the same content except that the code part contains only the API, in an attempt to make the book smaller. After all, the actual interesting part is not the code, but the text accompanying it.

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