Alexandre Parenteau, membre de l’équipe de développement d’Adobe, répond aux questions sur le développement d’After Effects, lors de notre évènement Duik 10 Years.
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RxOT, the Rx Open Tools
We develop and distribute free and open source tools to help motion pictures production.
Rx Applications
Autodesk Maya Add-ons
Krita Add-ons
Adobe After Effects Add-ons
Blender Add-ons
We strongly believe that emancipation, free sharing and helping each other will make the world a better place for everyone.
We rely on your voluntary donations. Please, donate what you can afford, what you think is the right amount.
Watch, Read, Learn
We're sharing our knowledge and savoir-faire about motion pictures production. Here you can find docs, books, tutorials to learn, and we're also regularly teaching in several schools as well as giving lectures and holding exclusive master-classes.
We provide a comprehensive documentation for all of our tools, and even more. Because this is the 21st century, video quicktips and tutorials too.
Quicktips are our very short tutorials, to quickly learn specific features and useful techniques. They're all free!
Each time we organize lectures, or give any form of educational speech anywhere, we try to record everything. A lot of talks are available here on video!
We’re also always willing to come everywhere in the world to give lectures, workshops, master classes in schools, in studios, or during events. For example, Duduf, lead developer at RxLab. and artistic director at Rainbox Prod. has already been in France, Switzerland, Belgium, Colombia, Canada, Taiwan, Mexico, Israel… to hold master classes and workshops.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you’d like to organize one of these in your school/studio/event…
Documents and Guides
All our tools are fully documented. You can find all guides on and all API references on
We also wrote some other useful documents, both in English and French, freely available because we think knowledge is meant to be shared.
English documents
Understanding openEXR compression methods.
Working with free software: the 100% free pipeline used at Rainbox (and other possibilities).
Understanding Colors and Color Management in the motion pictures industry.
Introduction to Fuzzy Logic for developers (and curious people)
Documents en français
Comprendre les méthodes de compression en openEXR.
Comprendre les Couleurs et Color Management dans la production audiovisuelle.
Guide pédagogique à l’usage des enseignants et étudiants.
Schools and teaching
We’re always trying to provide a comprehensive documentation for our tools, and other documents, along with nice tutorials or quick tips. But when it’s possible, the best way to share techniques and experience is by just meeting each other. Teaching, meet-ups, talks, are of great importance for us, and we’re always happy to come and meet you everywhere in the world, to share techniques and experiences.
We’re already teaching regularly in several schools in Europe, both in French or English, and have workshops or master classes in a lot of them.
Contact us if you’re interested…
Join us!
Support the development of free and open source software and immediately get an early access to your shiny new tools, tutorials and other exclusive perks by becoming a member now!
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Membership options
Silver Monthly Subscription
5 € per month.
Silver Annual Subscription
10 € per year.
- Member-only newsletters: discover what happens behind the scene!
- Early access to the Rx Open Tools before their release, and to their private alpha tests, and to our free tutorials.
- Access to exclusive member-only products on the store.
Gold Monthly Subscription
10 € per month.
Gold Annual Subscription
100 € per year.
- Member-only newsletters: discover what happens behind the scene!
- Early access to the Rx Open Tools before their release, and to their private alpha tests, and to our free tutorials.
- Access to exclusive member-only products on the store.
- Unlimited access to all our tutorials for free as long as you're a premium member!
Activate your membership now!
Support the development of free and open source software by joining us! To thank you, all members have an early access to the tools and free tutorials.
Glod membership also includes an unlimited access to all our free and paid tutorials and comprehensive video courses.
Les coulisses du Petit Poussin Roux
Conférence de Célia Tisserant lors de l’événement Duik 10 Years, sur son deuxième court-métrage “Le Petit Poussin Roux”, animé avec Duik.
Acting animation – Breakdown
Horror Humanum Est, Le Bilan
Cédric Villain fait un bilan de sa série web documentaire “Horror Humanum Est”, lors de notre évènement Duik 10 Years.
Create stylized blurs on After Effects
Create nice stylized blurs in After Effects using only native effects.
CSV Files and expressions in After Effects
Pourquoi Duik est-il un outil politique ?
Conférence de Duduf au MDC Meet-up le 21 avril 2018 à Paris, où il explique le rapport entre Duik, son succès, et Karl Marx, ou ce qui différencie Richard Stallman et Linus Torvalds de Steve Jobs et Bill Gates. Cette conférence est un appel à l’engagement, à la contribution !
Comment créer une coopérative de production audiovisuelle
Tuto vidéo sur les étapes, les problématiques, les principes et les raisons derrière la création d’une coopérative de production audiovisuelle.
Film de commande, indépendance et créativité
Conférence de la réalisatrice et animatrice Anne Viel, à propos de son travail, ses productions et son parcours atypique.
FX Manager for After Effects
Réaliser un court-métrage d’animation (avec Duik)
Conférence de Nicolas Liguori, réalisateur de court-métrages d’animation, sur le processus de fabrication de son film “Le Vent dans les Roseaux”.
Autoproduction et diffusion d’une websérie animée
Cédric Villain nous présente sa websérie “Horror Humanum Est” et nous explique les enjeux de l’autoproduction d’animation et de sa diffusion en ligne.
Duik, Le logiciel libre
Duduf revient sur la notion de logiciel libre (et gratuit) à travers l’exemple de Duik, pour partager l’évolution de ses réflexions sur le sujet.
Introduction au setup de personnages
Dans cette conférence Duduf fait une introduction au setup des personnages, en passant par l’exemple d’After Effects et son outil dédié au rig et à l’animation Duik, mais ces méthodes et réflexions sont aussi valables pour le rig en 3D. Une conférence à voir absolument avant de suivre les formations à Duik et l’animation de personnages !
Réaliser un clip de musique
Conférence de Thomas Fourniret (Wasaru) interviewé par Duduf au Duik 15 Event les 4 et 5 Décembre 2015 à Valenciennes.