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Here are the most frequently asked questions about the Duik Certification program, the Duik Certification preparation course, and the exams to get the certification.
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The Duik Certification Program
I have met someone claiming he is a Duik Certified Expert or Instructor, how can I check this certification?
All Duik Certified Experts or Instructors are listed on this page. Contact us if you do not find the one you’re looking for!
The official Duik Certification preparation course
I’m a beginner with Duik, will the official Duik Certification Preparation course help me to pass the Certification exam?
No, this course is not availabe for beginners. You need to have enough experience with After Effects and already know the basics of Duik to attend it.
I can’t afford the course, is there any solution?
Will I be automatically certified if I attend the preparation course?
No, this course help you get prepared to the exam, but there is no guarantee you will pass it, it depends only on your result at the exam.
That being said, this course will give you all the knowledge you need to pass the exam, and it’s been designed to enable us to help you the most we can.
Your Certification and the exam
What happens to my certification if Duik is updated to a new version?
You will keep your certification for the version of Duik used when you passed the exam, but it will not be available to more recent versions.
We’re going to propose an exam specifically to update your certification to the latest version of Duik, at a reduced cost.
How will be used my personal data?
Your personal data will be kept only by Rainbox Laboratory and our partner training center Carpe Media for further communication. It will not be shared with any other individual or company. This data includes your name and contact information (phone number, e-mail address, postal address…), your score at the exam and other exam data.
Only if you pass the certification exam, you’ll have to contractually agree that some of your data will be published on the website of Rainbox Laboratory and of Carpe Media. This public data includes: your name, your country, the type of your certification (expert or instructor), the version of Duik you are certified for, and optionally a link to your website. There is no contact information available, but people can reach you through the associated online form. You can have a look at the public data and the contact form here.
How can I use the digital badge and the logo?
In a few words: if you passed the exam, you can use the badge/logo on all your documents both printed and online, and your website, if you don’t modify it. When used on a digital document or a website, it must be linked to this URL: http://certification.rxlaboratory.org
When passing the exam, you contractually agree to use this badge/logo following more detailed guidelines provided with the contract after the exam.
If you see the badge/logo used in a modified version, or without a link to http://certification.rxlaboratory.org, please contact us!
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